Visual Art
Students begin to experience the influence of arts works and arts practitioners on society's attitudes and ideas. They are introduced to the elements of art as they investigate artists who create arts works to communicate meaning. They will also explore traditional and contemporary arts conventions, practices, skills, procedures, ways of thinking and expressing artistic ideas.
The value of the Visual Arts as a vehicle for social commentary and change is a strong focus for students throughout both programs. Opportunities are consistently offered for students to make connections between classroom experiences and their own cultural knowledge and experiences as they discover how creative industries contribute to local, national and global communities.
What is studied (Year 7-10):
Year 7
| Year 8
| Year 9
| Year 10
Personal Maps (Various drawing,painting,and printing techniques)
| Dragon Dreams (Drawing and ceramics)
| Pencil vs Camera (2D)
| Iam (Portraiture and mixed media)
| Transmorphation (3D) | Text Messages (Street art, painting,printing and drawing) |
| | Landscape Nudgee Beach (Abstract painting)
| Art as Experience: 2D, 3D time based (Teacher and student directed)
| Art as Experience: 2D, 3D time based (Teacher and student directed)
The prograssion of Visual Arts though senior school:

Media Arts
Media arts involves creating representations of the world and telling stories through communications technologies such as television, film, video, newspapers, radio, video games, the internet and mobile media. Media arts connects audiences, purposes and ideas, exploring concepts and viewpoints through the creative use of materials and technologies. Like all art forms, media arts has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
Media Arts enables students to create and communicate representations of diverse worlds and investigate the impact and influence of media artworks on those worlds, individually and collaboratively. As an art form evolving in the twenty-first century, media arts enables students to use existing and emerging technologies as they explore imagery, text and sound and create meaning as they participate in, experiment with and interpret diverse cultures and communications practices.
Students learn to be critically aware of ways that the media are culturally used and negotiated, and are dynamic and central to the way they make sense of the world and of themselves. They learn to interpret, analyse and develop media practices through their media arts making experiences. They are inspired to imagine, collaborate and take on responsibilities in planning, designing and producing media artworks.
Students explore and interpret diverse and dynamic cultural, social, historical and institutional factors that shape contemporary communication through media technologies and globally networked communications.
The prograssion of Medial Arts though senior school:
In Dance, students perform, choreograph and appreciate dance from a variety of cultural, artistic and social forms. They learn to holistically appreciate the discipline by physically and theoretically exploring the art form and its immense historical and cultural background.
Engaging in dance allows students to develop important, lifelong skills. Dance provides opportunities for students to critically examine and reflect on their world through higher order thinking and movement. By studying Dance as both artist and as audience, students will develop a range of interrelated concepts, understanding and skills in dance as an art form and as a means of social inclusion.
Dance provides students these opportunities to develop:
- the confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed dancers
- knowledge and respect for dance technique, dance industries in pop-culture, historical, social and traditional contexts.
- develop and practice personal skills that foster lifelong learning and growth mindset such as determination and perseverance to reach goals and see beyond them.
- develop and apply 21st century skills such as; collaboration, critical and creative thinking, networking, communication and ICT use.
What is studied (Year 7-10):
Year 7
| Year 8
| Year 9
| Year 10
Themed Dances (Choreography)
| Street Dance (Hip Hop performance)
| You Can't Stop the Beat (Musical theatre)
| Let's Get Physical (Dance fitness)
| Contemporary Dance (Artistic dance ) | Moving Stories (Artistic dance) |
| | World Dance (Cultural Dance)
| Hip Hop Fusion (Popular dance)
| MTV A-Z (Popular Dance)
| Children's Theatre (Musical Theatre)
The prograssion of Dance though senior school:
The Earnshaw Drama Program is committed to providing opportunities for students to create, reflect, challenge, critique, analyse, evaluate and celebrate diverse concepts through dramatic learning experiences.
Through drama, students not only learn creative expression, but also teamwork, empathy, understanding and effective communication skills. This is achieved through expressing and sharing the vitality of cultures and communities, in constructing personal and cultural identities, and in transmitting values and ideas.
Students study different realms of drama from improvisation and script work, to stage productions. They explore the elements of drama, conventions of forms/styles and effective stagecraft. These workshops instil confidence and develop creative talents, competencies and skills that can be transferred into working and recreational lives. Students experience and come to understand both the collaborative and the self‐managing aspects of arts practice.
What is studied (Year 7-10):
Year 7
| Year 8
| Year 9
| Year 10
In Uur Element (An introduction to the elements of drama)
| Sweet Dreams (Shakespeare: A midsummerNight's Dream) | Oh me,Oh my, It's Melodrama! (Melodrama)
| College Drama (Students devise an original performance on a social issue of their choice)
| Let's Get Physical (Physical Theatre) | Elizabethan Theatre (Romeo and Juliet) |
| | Australian Comedy (Hating Alison Ashley)
| Light my Fire (Magical Realism)
| Child's Play (Theatre for young people)
The prograssion of Drama though senior school: