The college has two options for students, staff and other college community members to purchase food and beverages. These are:

The Snack Shack (tuckshop)
The tuckshop is located in the under cover area. Earnshaw StateCollege P&C Association operate the tuckshop. We employ a tuckshop convenor and up to three assistant convenors to prepare lunch options for all students in Prep to Year 12, staff and visitors using the Smart Choices guidelines.
Regular opening hours
Monday - Friday, 8am - 2pm
Lunch 1: 11.05am - 11.45am
Lunch 2: 12.55pm - 1.30pm
Online Ordering
Online ordering is available via Qkr by Mastercard. The App version or website version can be used. Daily ordering cut-off time at 8.25am.
The iCafe is located at the Victor Street end of the library resource centre.