Absent from school
Email: student.absence@earnshawsc.eq.edu.au with student name, year level, absence dates and reason for absence. If a student is marked with an unexplained absence on the student’s first period roll, the parent/guardian will receive a text message from the College. The message will ask for a response via return text.
Extended absences
Any extended absence of 10 school days or more requires an Application for Exemption form available from the relevant office. The Principal will consider and approve/decline the application.
Late to school
If arriving after 8.30am, students are to sign in at the relevant office. A note or a phone call from the parent/guardian must explain all late arrivals. A detention will be issued for an unexplained late.
Leaving early
A note from a parent/guardian must be signed by the student’s teacher and then presented at the relevant office to sign out. Students in Prep to Year 6 are to be collected at Student Services by a parent/guardian. Students in Years 7 – 12 are able to sign out without a parent/guardian being present, provided there is a note from the parent/guardian.
Sick students
Students must inform their teacher, ask for a note to report to the relevant office. A parent/guardian will then be contacted. Same signing out procedure as ‘Leaving Early’.
Using the school phone
Urgent calls may be made by students on the phone at Reception.
Parent/Guardians wanting to relay messages to students
It is NOT possible for our staff to leave the office to locate students in class as this would mean leaving sick students and incoming students unattended. It is also important to note that most classrooms do not contain phones and the class may not be in the timetabled location making it difficult to deliver these messages. The only way our support staff can relay a message to a student is via an email to the teachers listed on the student’s timetable – this is reliant on the teacher reading their emails throughout the day. If you need to get a non-urgent message to them, you have two options: you can email your student as there is a high chance they will be on their emails during the day; or you can text your student who will see the text when they turn their phone back on at 2.40pm.
Please note: mobile phones are switched off on entry to the school at the beginning of the day and turned on at the end of the school day.
All junior school students presenting to the office during class time must have a signed note from a teacher.
All senior school students presenting to the office during class time must have a signed student planner.