Earnshaw is proud to present its languages department, working in conjunction with our International programs.
Students study Japanese from prep and then are exposed to Spanish from year 5, where they are given the opportunity to study both languages.
Did you know ? …….Spanish is spoken in the most number of countries around the world.
Students then have the choice to pursue Japanese or Spanish going in to year 7 into their Secondary schooling years.
Earnshaw has also innovatively introduced a more kinaesthetic languages subject into junior secondary. Culture in Practice explores a wide range of countries and cultures and looks at exciting subjects such as food, sports and art.
This exposure to language develops students who have global capacity, empathy and curiosity.
Primary school
- Prep to Year 4 - Japanese
- Year 5 and 6 - Japanese and Spanish

Junior secondary
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Culture in Practice
- A variety of subjects through Distance Education – supported by Earnshaw staff (on application)
Senior secondary
Special programs
Extra Curricular activities offered every term e.g: Bento box day, Taiko drumming incursion.
State wide speaking Competitions
Education Queensland Ambassador and Buddy program
Apply for the buddy program and become a leader within the Education Queensland International programs. Link your learning in language to real life scenarios supporting visiting students at Earnshaw. Become a support to both short term tours and long term International students.