Earnshaw State College is a proud co-educational Independent Public School which caters for students from Prep to Year 12.
The College has a distinctive sub school structure, with purpose-built facilities and specialised areas which fosters education of this broad age range of students, across each phase of learning: prep, primary and secondary. Each phase offers a diverse and rich curriculum supported by quality teaching that gives our students a seamless progression through their 13 years of schooling.
The P-12 structure of our College also enriches the family environment of our College in which our older students take pride in being the role models and caring for the younger children.
At Earnshaw we are very conscious of the responsibility we have for educating our students through their entire primary and secondary education and we value the opportunities it allows. We are committed to guide our students to reach their potential at each phase of schooling and make a successful transition to work or further study.
Our College offers academy programs that add value to the richness and diversity of our curriculum and provide students the opportunity to develop their talents in area of interest. Our staff are our greatest asset and we set high expectations for ourselves as educators and work hard to achieve them.
Earnshaw State College enjoys close community connections, and we foster a sense of belonging across the College, with the belief that we have a shared responsibility for every student. We believe that education is a partnership between the home and the school, and we greatly value parent involvement.
Our parent community is very supportive of our endeavours to provide the very best educational experience possible for our students, in a safe, secure and happy environment.
Karen McKinnon
College Principal