Lots of tears, memories and lifelong friendships
Earnshaw State College has a history of high quality study tours. Every meaningful study tour always starts with bubbling excitement and ends with teary goodbyes.
In the past three years we have coordinated study tours from Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan.
Study tours have spanned from on day cultural tours involving our junior students to three week tours, and have ranged in student age groups from students from 10 years– 18 years.
International visitors are now part of everyday life for our Earnshaw teachers and students and we look forward to learning as much from our visitors as they do by experiencing Australian life.
In every study tour, the international ambassador program supports our International visitors by assigning buddies to every student. Buddies are trained in different cultures and must apply to be assigned a position on every study tour.
The Earnshaw community is heavily involved in the tours by providing homestay placements that are quality controlled and matched to the visiting students.