On Track for Success: Years 7 to 9
Year 7 students seamlessly move from their year 6 classes to the start of the secondary school journey. The aim of our junior secondary programs is to engage our students in a rich seamless curriculum through:
- Connection to life outside school through real life curriculum opportunities.
- Experiencing integrated units of work including literacy and numeracy opportunities across the curriculum.
- Using problem-solving and decision-making techniques of various inquiry processes to investigate learning.
- Improving communication / social / self-management skills.
- Developing an awareness of social and cultural responsibilities.
- Negotiating learning and authentic assessment.
- Having their diverse needs met through the exploration of learning styles.
The junior secondary model builds on learning in core subject areas, including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages and Health and Physical Education. Additionally, students sample electives from the technologies and the Arts subject areas including Design, Graphics, Industrial Technology, Digital Technology, Visual Arts, Dance, Music and Drama.
As students' progress through years 7 to 9 they will have established preferences for certain elective areas which will flow on to senior secondary.
Ready for the Future: Years 10 to 12
In our Senior School we consolidate and enhance prior learning through:
- Engaging students in developing a deep knowledge and understanding of their chosen subjects
- Developing individualised pathways based on student academic or vocational goals
- Providing a rich program full of extracurricular and leadership opportunities.
At Earnshaw State College, we offer multiple educational pathways. These pathways enable students to access both academic and vocational courses and include access to university subjects, TAFE and other registered training organisation certificate or diploma courses.
Our academic curriculum offers a range of subjects that are available for students and our professional team of teachers are committed to working together with our students to achieve excellence.
Vocational education pathways, including school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, industry mentoring and structured work placements, are available for all students. Our senior teachers and VET coordinator work with a range of providers to personalise programs to ensure that all students succeed.
In summary, our senior program offers students:
- a broad academic curriculum, including the possibility of accelerated learning programs
- tertiary study options during senior years
- specialist professionals, trainers and coaches delivering Baseball and Football excellence programs
- personalised programs leading to multiple career pathways
- international student program
- school based traineeship/apprenticeships
- structured work placements
- wide range of personal, academic and vocational support systems
Vocational Education
Earnshaw State College (RTO 30088) currently offers nationally recognised training in the following vocational education courses: 
Earnshaw State College offers the following vocational education courses in third party RTO arrangements with the RTOs listed:
- SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation (delivered and assessed in a third-party arrangement with Binnacle Training RTO 31319)
- ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology (delivered and assessed in a third-party arrangement with IVET Institute Pty Ltd RTO 40548)
- SIS20319 Certificate II in Sport Coaching (delivered and assessed in a third-party arrangement with TAFE Queensland RTO 0275)